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Myths, Heroes and Mythical Creatures Exploration - Athens For Kids
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Athens For Kids / Myths, Heroes and Mythical Creatures Exploration
6 Feb

Myths, Heroes and Mythical Creatures Exploration

Mythological creatures are more than just make-believe. They are a glimpse into how our ancestors once saw the world and of the fears that filled their imaginations when they heard something go bump in the night.

These mythical monsters are some of the strangest, most bizarre creations ever, ranging from glorified animals to humanoid mythical creatures.

Let’s discover the hidden parts of the Acropolis museum and talk about the most terrifying creatures, the heroes and stories that are hidden inside the museum. How do these creatures and heroes relate to the 12 Gods of ancient Greece? Is there a way we can spot some of these 12 Gods and become mythology heroes ourselves?

Join us for a unique mythical exploration and find out the answers!

Location: Acropolis Museum

Duration: 1.15 minutes approximately

Not included:adult museum admission tickets


Natalie Sampas


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