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Family tours and cultural experiences in the city of Athens All you need to book when you are travelling with kids.

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Saturday - Sunday 09:00AM - 22:00PM

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The Mythology Hunt for Families - Athens For Kids
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Athens For Kids / The Mythology Hunt for Families

The Mythology Hunt for Families

per person

Discover all of the Olympian Gods of ancient Greece hidden in one of the greatest museums in the world!

Greek mythology (from the Greek ‘mythos’ for story-of-the-people, and ‘logos’ for word or speech, the spoken story of a people) is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. It was a part of the religion in ancient Greece.

The 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses in the National Archaeological Museum

The whole family will have the chance to discover all of the Olympian Gods of ancient Greece hidden in one of the greatest museums in the world! Let’s spot Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Artemis, Demeter, Hephaestus and the rest and find their secret magical symbols. The whole family will have the chance to listen to stories, learn about greek history and explore this unique museum in a playful way! Are you ready for an exciting quest? A “stylish” surprise awaits the whole family in the end of this experience!

Duration of the educational tour: 90’ approximately

PlaceNational Archaeological Museum

In order to book this tour please email your request at info@athensforkids.com and we will reply to you asap in order to reserve a place with us.

Children are not allowed unattended and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

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