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Family tours and cultural experiences in the city of Athens All you need to book when you are travelling with kids.

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Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 22:00PM
Saturday - Sunday 09:00AM - 22:00PM

+30 6972330969



The Great Explorer of the Ancient Hills - Athens For Kids
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Athens For Kids / The Great Explorer of the Ancient Hills

The Great Explorer of the Ancient Hills

per person

Travel back in time and get to know the historical hills of Athens!

Historical hills of Athens


Join us on a unique walk around the area of ​​Thission and learn about the history of the historical hills of Athens: Philopappos, Pnyx, Areios Pagos and the Acropolis.

Who were the European travelers who came here to discover our culture? How did the hill of Philopappos get its name? How did the ancient Athenians measure time? How can we protect our cultural heritage?

Using our special map as a guide and with a view from above, we will discover the answers on this unique route that is full of wonderful stories.


Duration of the educational tour: 90’

Place: Philopappos hill, Mars hill and Pnyx hill.

In order to book this tour please email your request at info@athensforkids.com and we will reply to you asap in order to reserve a place with us.

Children are not allowed unattended and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

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