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Family tours and cultural experiences in the city of Athens All you need to book when you are travelling with kids.

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Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 22:00PM
Saturday - Sunday 09:00AM - 22:00PM

+30 6972330969



"Peek a Boo" at the Acropolis Museum - Athens For Kids
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Athens For Kids / “Peek a Boo” at the Acropolis Museum

“Peek a Boo” at the Acropolis Museum

per person

For small children 4-5 years old

Through an interactive game of “peek a boo”, children observe, search and find both small and large treasures of Athens throughout the museum. They listen to the stories whispered to them by ancient statues, become Athenian citizens and participate in a celebration of the ancient city of Athens! A program designed for small children 4-5 years old.


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