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Family tours and cultural experiences in the city of Athens All you need to book when you are travelling with kids.

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Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 22:00PM
Saturday - Sunday 09:00AM - 22:00PM

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Goddess Athena's gifts at the Acropolis museum - Athens For Kids
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Athens For Kids / Goddess Athena’s gifts at the Acropolis museum

Goddess Athena’s gifts at the Acropolis museum

per person

Unravel the myths of the museum!

Through discovery games, we get to know the most important exhibits of the Acropolis museum and unravel the thread of the myths behind them.
Statues of gods, mythical creatures and heroes that were once offered to the goddess Athena, the patroness of the city, become the occasion to travel to the magical world of Greek mythology and art.

Ages 6+

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