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Family tours and cultural experiences in the city of Athens All you need to book when you are travelling with kids.

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Popi Georgopoulou - Athens For Kids
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I am a graduate of the Graduate Program of Museum Studies of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens as a fellow of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation and of the Department of History – Ethnology of the Democritus University of Thrace as a scholar of the Foundation State Scholarships.

As a PhD candidate of the University of Patras, I deal with the design and evaluation of innovative museum structures aimed at the multi-level involvement of the public with the exhibits, allowing them to address their educational dimension.

Since 2007 I have been involved in the design of museum exhibitions (permanent and temporary), the recording and study of private collections, the design of educational material and the implementation of educational programs in museums and in general in cultural spaces as well as the design and production of museum kits. I am a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

My goal is the emotional and mental activation of visitors to an exhibition or participants in an educational program through the authenticity of the material and intangible cultural heritage and the human stories they carry.

At the same time, as a licensed Tour Guide from the Greek Ministry of Tourism, I plan specialized guided tours (in Greek and English) for adults and children of every age group in museums and cultural sites of the ancient or modern Greek cultural heritage.

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